Nightcrawler (2014)


  • I definitely wasn’t sure what to expect in this movie, but let me say, I’m really glad I watched it. It gives you an almost mysterious feel, even though you know what’s going on. It was also pretty suspenseful as well. The story immediately starts the second you click play, which is nice. It immediately grabs your attention and pulls you in. What’s also nice is that you are immediately introduced to the main character, and though he doesn’t have any backstory, you get to learn a lot about his thoughts and personality throughout the movie. The plot was great, as it gives you a great insight into the process of capturing news footage at the worst crime scenes. It was thrilling and entertaining, but I think this movie is probably one of those hit or miss ones. Personally, I really liked it, but I can totally understand why someone might not. All the characters were good, and they each added a certain quality to the movie. I absolutely loved Louis, and though he definitely doesn’t always make the right decisions, he was still interesting to watch. From a character study POV, he was super fun to watch. His character almost had a slight Travis Bickle feel to it, which I loved. The entire tone and color of the movie was dark, as a huge chunk of it takes place at night. I really enjoyed it that way, and if you ever watch this, do it at night. It really helps authenticate the story. The music was fantastic, and although it isn’t always present, when it is, it’s great. It adds an intense and almost suspicious sound. It was pretty gorgeous. Overall, this movie was very well made, and I definitely liked it. I would definitely recommend it to those who love serious toned movies. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go see it now!