A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge

  • This movie was hilariously bad. It took all the greatness from the first movie and basically shredded it. This movie had basically no plot at all, and it’s a complete mess. In the first movie, the teens have to learn how to survive and fight Freddy, whereas here, Freddy is just an evil presence, and the teens just run around screaming. I do like the way Freddy takes over Jesse, and it gives the story a fresh spin on how Freddy terrorizes people. I also like the connections that were made with the first movie. Even though this movie brings in new characters and a (somewhat) new story, it still correlates with the original characters. It helps build Freddy’s story even more, and you get to have a small look at more of his past. However, besides that, the rest of the story is pretty much at a stand-still. It’s literally just the teens fearing Freddy, and running panicking. There isn’t any plan to catch or trap Freddy. It makes for a pretty boring movie, and I definitely had trouble sitting still. The acting wasn’t great at all, except for Freddy. It felt like your stereotypical 80’s horror flick, and it was extremely cheesy and corny. A lot of it felt very forced, and it was either really bland or really exaggerated. In fact, a lot of it felt like an episode of Goosebumps, so that speaks for itself. But, like Goosebumps, even though it’s really cheesy, it was still a somewhat fun movie to watch. And the effects were really good. There were several scenes where the effects and gore was really good, and made for some really creepy moments. That’s one reason why Freddy is one of the best movie antagonists, because of his scary effects. There was one scene in particular where his face was melting off, and it was absolutely awesome. The music wasn’t super great, and it didn’t have the same feel that the first movie had. Overall, this was a poorly written movie, and I wouldn’t recommend it unless your mission is to watch all of the Freddy movies.