Watchmen (2009)


  • Once again, and to nobody’s surprise, Zack Snyder comes through with another film. This one was definitely interesting to watch, as it’s not just a superhero movie, but one that uses detective work and a mysterious storyline. The story pulls you in from the very beginning, and it constantly adds new details in every scene. This movie does a great job of having a noir feel to it, which is refreshing to see in a superhero movie. It’s not just a movie with fighting and action, but one that actually focuses on the plot and character development. All the characters were amazing, and I loved them all. Both physically and emotionally, they were highly intriguing and cool to watch. I loved all their suits and designs, and because of that, it gave the movie a fun vibe. I’d definitely say this is one of the movies that feel most like a comic book. The movie was colorful as well as drabby. It has a dark tone, both in the story as well as the color grading. I love the gritty feel, and it has the Snyder touch. But back to the characters, all of their outfits were great, especially Nite Owl. I love his cowl, probably because it reminds me a bit of ZSJL Batman. I also really liked Dr. Manhattan’s look. The acting was really great throughout, and everyone did a good job of showing their emotions in each scene they were in. Dr. Manhattan was pretty emotionless, but I really liked him like that. I was particularly impressed by Jackie Earle Haley, Patrick Wilson, and Matthew Goode. They all gave a great performance that was full of emotion. There were some really great visuals in this movie, and the cinematography was pretty amazing. There were several really great shots that I loved. Most of the CGI was pretty good, except for a couple times where it was a bit questionable. It looked good on Dr. Manhattan, but there were a few times where a few features looked off. The thing I loved most about this movie was the Snyder Slo-Mo. It was chock full of it, which I absolutely love. Most of the time, slow motion gets pretty cliche and tiresome to me, but when Zack does it, he always throws in incredible detail that no one else does. Every single slow shot totally blew my mind. The music was great in this movie, and though it wasn’t always as prominent in some scenes, there were plenty of times where it was powerful, intense, and gave the movie a great, heroic feel. I also loved the inclusion of some mainstream songs, and it helps the setting feel more real. Overall, I would absolutely recommend this movie to all superhero/detective fans. Zack Snyder goes above and beyond like always, which is why he’s basically the greatest human on Earth. This film is officially Berry Approved, so go check it out now!